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Monday, April 26, 2010

Touchscreen was so last year, Hovercreens are the new thing

Cellphones with Cypress touchscreens, such as the Nokia S60 and Palm Pre, will soon have an extra dimension on board: hovering. You know when you're working on your desktop computer, and an icon changes when you move your cursor over it? In the next few months, cellphones will be able to do that, too, detecting the presence of your finger near the screen, and letting you hover the cursor without touching the screen.

Say, wasn't the lack of finger-hover tracking one of the lame reasons Apple used for not having Flash on its iPhone or iPad touchscreens? Flash uses hovering extensively, so this new capability will come in handy on those no-excuses smartphones that are Flash capable. We love Apple's touchscreens, but it looks like their dominance might soon be eclipsed.

Here's a video of the new tech in action:


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